SC Ranks 3rd in America for newest homes

SC Ranks 3rd in America for newest homes

South Carolina ranks third in the nation for newest homes in America.

Among the states with the newest homes, Idaho has 9.12 new residential houses per 1000 people, the highest number in the ranking. The state also has 72.3% homeowners, but the average home price is quite high at $460,900. This according to a new study conducted by The Perfect Rug  which analyzed the U.S. housing market to identify the states with the newest homes using Zillow Data.

S.C. Ranks Tops in Newest Homes in America

In the ranking of states with the newest homes, Texas takes second place with 87.4, reflecting the large number of new houses built in the state. According to Zillow, there are 74,000 new homes for sale in Texas, with an average of 7.62 new homes per 1000 residents. The average price is $357,800, the lowest option on the list. In comparison to Idaho, Texas has 10% fewer homeowners.

Newest Homes

In South Carolina, there are over 11,700 new homes for sale on Zillow, with a median home age of 32 years, less than in Texas and Idaho. The average house costs $374,200 there.

It has 8.57 new homes per 1000 people, the second-highest rate on the list after Idaho. The average price for a home is $407,200, and there are over 42,000 new homes listed on Zillow in Florida.

In the ranking of states with the newest homes, North Carolina is fifth, scoring 81.8. Like Idaho, North Carolina has a 9.12 new residential home per 1000 residents, but the prices are much more affordable. On Zillow, homebuyers can find over 16,800 new houses at an average price of $371,100.

With a score of 78.6, Utah is ranked sixth. Although the houses in Utah are new with a median age of 31 years, the average house cost is $529,600, the second highest.

With a score of 74.7, Arizona is ranked seventh. It has the newest homes with an average age of 30 years. Like Florida, 66.4% of Arizonans already own a house, but Arizona houses are almost $30,000 more expensive.

There are 6.7 new houses per 1,000 people in Colorado, which takes eighth place with a score of 65.7. Colorado has the most expensive houses in the top ten, with an average price of $580,900.

The median age of residential houses in Tennessee is 36 years, just like in Colorado, and the rate of new houses per capita in both states is very similar. Tenth place and a score of 65.2 follow closely behind Tennessee. However, Tennessee also offers much more affordable prices, with an average price of $377,200, more than $200k less than Colorado.

Almost 66% of Utah residents own homes, with many of them new, with a median age of 31. When it comes to prices, Georgia offers similar deals to Tennessee and California.